I do not know Teoh Boon Hock until he appeared on the front page of the newspaper, lying dead at the premises of the Malaysian Anti corruption commission (MACC). I was so shock that this is actually happening in Malaysia, where somebody walks into a government building alive but come out as a dead body. I began wondering whether this place that I stayed is still the Malaysia I know. Can I still stay in this piece of land??? I felt sorry for this young man, his fiancée and his family members. Hope he will rest in peace and the next life he will not be born in Malaysia.
I voted for the opposition in 308 elections, not hopping to change the BN government but just to tell BN I am not satisfied with what they are doing and hope that there is a stronger opposition which can counter check the current government. With the new opposition government formed less than a year and was probe by the anti corruption body, I was quite disappointed and I really hope they are not equally as dirty as their former counterparts. However, what are the interrogation method the anti corruption officers used until a young man was dead not even after 1 day of going into their building?
This is so scary. When a Mongolian woman died bombing by the former armies, an Indian boy died in a police station during interrogation, can anyone that we know found dead the next day they went into a government building? If someone wishes you to die the next day, will you just vanish into the thin air without leaving any remaining? We really want to know what is actually happening in this country.
For Dato Seri Najib, our beloved prime minister, I hope he can really sit down discuss with his cabinet members to let the Royal Comission of Inquiry investigate the cause of dead of Teoh. All we want is just the truth of what had actually happened on 16.7.09 in the MACC premise. Whether or not Teoh had commited a crime, he is not supposed to die this way. If he was really murdered, let the murderers face the justice. Let’s be focus and put away all the political differences and the racial divide. This is human life. He was dead and will never come back again. Give us the answers we want. I just hope that this will just not turned out to be an unresolved case, and later become the most mysterious case in Malaysia for the past 52 years.