Thursday, September 23, 2010


Something to share:

This Shisha smoking is also known as narghile, hookah and goza. It was originated in Persia and India and has been used for 4 centuries.

I was first introduced to shisha in a mamak shop in Kelantan (surprisingly), then later found out that there is a shop in Sunway which even sell the colourful nice water pipe which used for shisha smoking.

Shisha is equivalent to cigarette smoking. A single session of this waterpipe smoking deliver the same amount of tar as a pack of cigarettes. Shisha also contain nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzene, toluene, arsenic, lead, formaldehyde and carcinogens.

So for those who think that it is safe, think twice. It is as bad or even worst compare to the normal cigarettes...


Friday, April 16, 2010

Taiwan 2010

Day 1: 8.4.2010
1. 抵达台湾桃园机场
a. 乘搭统联客运到高铁站
b. 乘搭台湾高铁(桃园 机场----> 台北车站)

2. 住宿: 新驿旅店 City Inn (台北怀宁街7号)

3. 新光三越大厦

4. 台北车站地下街
a. 早午餐: NY Begel (京都地下车站购物中心)

5. 阳明山
a. 竹子湖
b. 海芋花园
c. 小油坑

6. 晚餐: 台大牧场 (寿喜锅) (台北罗斯福路四段68号3F)

7. 逛罗斯福路周边
a. 师大路夜市
b. 公馆夜市 (红豆饼,青蛙撞奶)

Day 2: 9.4.2010 (宜兰一日一夜游)
1. 早餐: 摩斯汉堡 (Mos Burger)

2. 台北火车站 (台北---->罗东)
a. 自强号: 1小时16分: NT$239

3. 国立传统艺术中心
a. 传统小吃坊 (猪血糕,红花香肠,冰沙,豆花,蜜饯)
b. 民艺街 (传统街屋)
c. 传习街( 工艺传习所)
d. 临水街
e. 文昌祠戏台(昆曲:弄水袖,唱曲子,动扇子 & 西游记剧场)

4. 住宿: 葛瑞丝民宿Grace Home stay (宜兰县罗东镇四维路152巷7号)

5. 罗东运动公园

6. 罗东夜市 (葱油饼,龙风卷,包心粉园,花生雪糕,糕渣,卜肉,糖葫芦,当归羊肉羹)

7. 罗东弈顺轩(奶冻卷,新鲜muachi)

Day 3: 10.4.2010 (花莲二日一夜游)
1. 早餐: Grace home stay

2. 罗东火车站(罗东---->花莲)
a. 自强号: 56分: NT$205
b. 租车(二日)
c. 花莲市美食[博爱街165号 (五霸包心粉圆焦糖锉冰), 扁食(混沌), 卤鸭胗]

3. 鲤鱼潭(划船, 漫游鲤鱼山步道)

4. 午餐: 红瓦屋:_老地方文化美食餐厅 (传统阿美族餐厅) Cifadahan café
b. 吴郭鱼石煮 (以槟榔叶编织成器皿,置入鱼肉,加上盐巴,生姜,米酒, 以湿地自然涌泉为汤底, 陆续加入烧热的石头,最后放入湿地野菜), 紫米饭,烤山猪肉,野菜,芦笋

5. 东海岸游车河
a. Cliff house拍照留念

6. 住宿:法喜民宿

7. 晚餐: 陈记状元粥铺 (状元粥, 红豆牛奶甜点,芝麻饼)

8. 自强夜市(棺材板,炭火烤肉串,米粉梗,杏仁红豆汤,西饼,烤玉米)

Day 4: 11.4.2010 (花莲二日一夜游)
1. 早餐: 法喜民宿”幸福”套餐

2. 太鲁阁国家公园
a. 东西横贯公路牌坊
b. 宁安桥
c. 燕子口
d. 九曲洞步道
e. 慈母桥
f. 天祥庙

3. 花莲火车站(花莲---->台北)
a. 午餐 (铁路便当: 排骨,酸菜,卤蛋,豆干,白饭,腌萝卜,芥菜)

4. 住宿: 新驿旅店

5. 博爱路相机街

6. 西门耵
a. 红楼剧场
b. 西门耵服饰街
c. 诚品116
d. 万年商业大楼
e. 美食(阿宗面线,青蛙下蛋,珍珠奶茶,KFC 蛋塔,鹅肉,卤肉饭,米粉汤)

Day 5: 12.4.2010 (九份一日游)
1. 台北火车站(台北---->瑞芳)
a. 莒光号: 50分钟, NT$125

2. 逛瑞芳老街
a. 早餐: 泡芙 & 芝士火腿蛋糕 from 花莲
b. 牛肉面,番薯,龙凤卷

3. 乘搭基隆客运到金瓜石站
a. 黄金神社
b. 眺望茶壶山
c. 阴阳海

4. 九份
a. 九份老街
b. 升平戏院
c. 美食: 赖阿婆芋圆,盐酥菇,田螺,烤鳗鱼,鱼丸汤

5. 台北市林夜市 (豪大炸鸡排,蜜汁鸡排. 臭豆腐,当季水果,油饭,螃蟹羹,锉冰)

6. 住宿: 新驿旅店

Day 6: 13.4.2010 (台北市 & 淡水一日游)
1. 龙山寺
2. 中正纪念堂
3. 国家戏剧院
4. 台北101 (板南线市政府站)
5. 纽约纽约购物中心
6. 诚品书城信义旗舰店
7. 静思书轩
8. 淡水河岸
9. 淡水老街 (美食: 阿给小吃,鱼酥,阿婆铁蛋,珍珠包,铁塔:炸薯片)
10. 渔人码头: 情人桥
11. 住宿: 新驿旅店

Day 7:
1. 乘搭台湾高铁(台北车站---->桃园 )
2. 回家

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010 wishes

It is the 10th day of 2010...

When the holiday mood gradually faded and washed out from the mind, when we just set some resolutions which yet to be implement, the news of churches being burnt down shocked the Malaysians.

I am shocked with what had actually happened to our country. This is the 2nd time the places of worship had been brutally vandalized by a small group of irresponsible people. First the buffalo head was being thrown into a Hindu temple, now they set fire on churches, what is next? The Buddhist temple?

This is a multiracial country. Race issue is like a time bomb. It is set everywhere and explosions will happen anywhere & anytime if we are not careful with what we say and what we do. Lets condemn those who act without thinking.

Burning down churches would not resolved the matters. For those who are not satisfied with the courts decision, this is not the correct way of expressing your disappointment or anger. So are these people trying to tell the world that Muslims or Islams teaching are so violent? and they will destruct everything which is not in line with them?

Send those people who involved with arson attack to jail. Find out those people. Why when there are witnesses come forward to help in investigations that the police are still not able to find any suspects?

Donating RM500,000 may be a good move to help in cooling down the issue for a while. In order to prevent things from happen again, our "great leaders" must really do something. They must have a broad and open minded to embrace and absorb all culture and be fair to every race in this country...

We still have 355 days to go as 2010 just started. Lets do something to help in succeeding the 1Malaysia concept. Lets forget about the color of the skin. We may have a different flesh color, but always remember that the color of blood of every human are same....