Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Onychomycosis (Nail infection)

My doctor asked me regarding the choice of drug in onychomycosis (nail fungal infection) today. She informed that patient's condition was severe and topical antifungal did not help and oral antifungal may be needed in this patient.

Itraconazole can be use in this kind of patient. The dose and duration for this infection is very unique and it worth to be keep in mind.

1. For onychomycosis which involve fingernail only:
200mg BD x 1 week, then off for 3 weeks, followed by 200mg BD for another week.

2. For onychomycosis which involve toenail (Trichophyton rubrum or T. mentagrophytes):
200mg BD x 12 consecutive weeks

3. For onycomycosis (toenails with or without fingernail involvement):
200mg OD x 12 weeks OR 200mg BD x 1 week, repeat 1 week course twice with 3 week off time between each course.

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