Monday, July 2, 2007

First day of semester 7

Today is the first day of sem 7 --- final year of my programme.

Cant believe that I am oledi so old (haha, although people always call me "ama" but I always think they are just jealous that I am mature!!! haha)

Anyway, thinking of not going to have any exam this sem make me happy. But doing research project for the WHOLE SEMESTER!!! dunno whether will get bored or not.

According to 1 of the lecturer, research is something that u either love it or hate it. No such thing as in between. So, we will seeee wat is going to happen.

So, today my friends and I met our supervisor and co-supervisor to have a meeting early in the morning. Basically it is just a brief introduction of the research laboratory and some of the activities which we had to carried out during our project.

In my project, we will be handling machine called HPLC - high performance liquid chromatography, play with mice , do some tests, get data and analyse the data.

In summary, it is all about "wrapping" up a drug with some chemical stuff called surfactant to make the drug more soluble. Then, after "wrapping", we are suppose to feed the drug to the mice and check the distribution of the drug in the mice organs and blood.
fun??? no comment now...hehe

Yes!!! MICE. A total of 350 mice were ordered for 2 different projects. It is difficult to handle mice. IMAGINE--- LIVING MICE. they are not dead and we are suppose to feed them everyday and maybe play with them. haha.

So that is what I am brief today. Hope the whole sem 7 will be fun and the research project will be going well, and most important, the result are well too!

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